
Sand Well Recovery Sucker Rod Pump

  • For now, there are a few technologies about how to solve the sand problem during oil recovery production, like chemical anti-sand technology, mechanical anti-sand technology and adopting a hydraulic jet pump to flush out sand. Today, I would like to introduce one special downhole pump developed by Sanjack. Hope they can help you get an idea about how a downhole pump can control sand during production. Now you can take a look at sand control sucker rod pump of Sanjack. Some of our special designed pumps for sandy wells:   Isodiametric-plunger pump 

      Anti-sand pump for heavy oil 

      Sand-scraping pump  

      B type anti-sand centralizing sucker rod pump 

      Long plunger and sand stuck prevention pump 

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Sand Well Recovery Sucker Rod Pump Manufacturers and Suppliers

Heavy Oil Recovery.

Sand control tubing pump is suitable for wells with the viscosity of crude oil less than 4000Mpa.s. 

Integrated Function

The oil well pump can realize the integrated operation of steam injection, oil recovery, and sand control. 

Sand stuck prevention

Sanjack has developed a variety of sand control downhole pumps that can effectively prevent sand stuck. 

Long Service Life

Sand control insert pump can effectively reduce the pump barrel and plunger wear (caused by sand), improve the service life. 

RHBC Anti-sand Centralizing Rod Pump
  • Suitable for deep wells within 2900m  
  • Suitable for wells with sand cut≤2% 
Sand Scraping Sucker Rod Well Pump
  • Prevent sand stuck to plunger   
  • Reduce the wear between plunger and barrel 
Long Plunger and Anti-sand Downhole Pump
  • Short barrel, long plunger, anti-abrasion.  
  • Suitable for sand cut ≤3.2%. 
Anti-sand insert pump for heavy oil recovery
  • Viscosity of crude oil less than 4000Mpa.s  
  • Sand cut less than 1.2%; 

Sand is a frequent visitor for oil recovery. Some oilfields have high cut while some have a low cut. But no matter how much content the sand takes, we should never ignore its influence during oil production. So what influence will the sand exactly bring to us? The following are just some examples: 

1). Sand will bury the sucker rods when stopping the pump. It will cost us a lot of operation time.  

2). The sand in the clearance between barrel and plunger will result in stuck or scuffing on the barrel and plunger, greatly reducing the pumping efficiency. 

3). The sand will increase the abrasion of the barrel, plunger, standing valve, and traveling valve, which will greatly reduce their service life. 

From above 3 items we can see, sand can really bring a lot of harm to our equipment, pumping efficiency and operation time.  

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Sand Well Recovery Sucker Rod Pump: The Complete Guide for Importers and Buyers

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